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Science in the Anthropocene





Bernstein, M., Franssen, T., Smith, R. & De Wilde, M. (2022). The European Commission’s Green Deal is an opportunity to rethink harmful practices of research and innovation policy. Ambio.

Franssen, T. & De Wilde. (2021). A clean energy future isn’t set in stone. Nature Geoscience

14(9): 636-637. [PDF]

I'm exploring various ways in which science and the science system are changing in the Anthropocene. With Mandy de Wilde I explored the role of the imaginary of a clean energy economy in geoscientific research into resource extraction.

With Michael Bernstein, Rob Smith and Mandy de Wilde I unpacked the new 'Do No Significant Harm'-principle that was introduced in the European Commission's Green Deal and is also part of Horizon Europe. We propose a different approach to harm that would allow researchers to 'stay with the harm'.

Together with Green Labs Netherlands and supported by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport we are running the Dutch pilot of the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF). LEAF is a self-assessment framework with which research groups in the laboratory sciences can increase the sustainability of their research practices and research environment. You can read about it here.

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